Where skill, learning & opportunity connect.


QUILL (Quality In Lifelong Learning) Learning Network is one of 16 regional literacy networks across Ontario who together make up the Learning Networks of Ontario. QUILL supports literacy and basic skills programming and local service planning and coordination in the counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth and South Georgian Bay, and is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training & Skills Development.

QUILL supports Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs that deliver free upgrading opportunities for adults who are:

  • 19 years old or over
  • out of school

Who want to upgrade their essential skills to:

  • get a job or promotion
  • get a high school diploma or GED
  • get ready for post-secondary education
  • get ready for an apprenticeship
  • become more independent

QUILL is funded to work with Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) agencies to:

  • develop a service plan that ensures there are enough flexible and appropriate adult upgrading opportunities in QUILL region
  • provide support, training and resources to literacy program staff, volunteers and adult learners
  • promote literacy services to community partners, employers and stakeholders and report back on potential partnerships
  • provide information and coordinate referral services between organizations
  • broker information about government and other literacy initiatives available
  • participate and manage literacy research and development projects that help further the field of literacy locally, regionally, and provincially
QUILL Learning Network
Task-Based Activities (TBA) Portal

Task-Based Activities (TBA) Portal

QUILL’s Task-Based Activities (TBA) Portal contains a growing number of task-based activities LBS Practitioners can use with learners.

You can browse the activities by goal path and/or level or use the search option to find the most appropriate resources for learners.

Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship Resources

Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship Resources

This google site was created by QUILL to house information and resources for LBS practitioners to use with learners on an Apprenticeship goal path. It includes general information about apprenticeship and the skilled trades, as well as links to aptitude tests, assessment tools, and a variety of reports, resources, and curriculum.

Write On! Clear Writing

Write On! Clear Writing

QUILL Learning Network supports “Clear Writing”. Clear Writing is about the way you communicate in writing. It considers the language you use and the format and design of your documents and websites. Clear Writing helps you say what you mean, simply and clearly. Ask about our Write On! Clear Writing services, including document review and revision.

Government of CanadaEmployment OntarioGovernment of Ontario
This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.